Hall Awarded Melvin Jones Fellowship

At the Lyons Lions Club's Christmas Banquet on December 12, 2022, Lion Jason Hall was awarded a Melvin Jones Fellowship in recognition for his outstanding contributions in the Lyons community. Most notable is his service as chairman of the Veterans Memorial Flag project that the Lyons Lions Club sponsors in partnership with the City of Lyons. This project was Lion Jason's idea and has grown from 48 flags when first displayed in May 2017 to 256 flags that were displayed last month for Veterans Day.
The Melvin Jones Fellowship (MJF) is the backbone of the Lions International Foundation (LCIF), providing a large percent of its revenues. A recognition of humanitarian work, a MJF and is presented to those who donate $1000 to LCIF or to people for whom a donation is given by others. The Lyons Lions Club uses the cumulative donations that the club makes to LCIF over a period of time to honor a deserving member of our club with an MJF. The MJF is a tremendous contribution to humanity and to the legacy of our founder, Melvin Jones.
Other members of Lyons Lions Club who have received this honor in the past are Lions John Adams, Johnny Griggers, Stan Bazemore, Darriel Nobles, James Thompson and the late Hardy Thomas.