STC Associate of Science in Nursing Graduates Honored at Pinning Ceremony

The ASN faculty of Southeastern Technical College (STC) proudly pinned graduates in the Fall 2022 Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN) program. A ceremony was held in the Toombs Auditorium on the Vidalia campus on December 5.
The graduates were Ariel Black, Jessica Brown, Bailey Burgess, Erik Casas, Brooke Coley, Kaitlyn Corner, Riley Corner, Vonisha Smith Dudley, Destiny Ferguson, Rayza Forney, Brittnay Holm, Zoe Jones, Laura Lee, Alisia Nunn, Esmeralda Ortiz, Pearson Page, Rudolph Perkins, Jenifer Sanchez- Flores, Kara Sanders, Danielle Smith, Patricia Varnes, Brook Walters, and Amy Way.
Graduate Kaitlyn Corner thanked everyone in attendance and said, “Many people may say that this ceremony is just the start of our journey. I disagree. Our journey started last August. Tonight just happens to be when our paths split into 23 separate and unique roads. It’s funny to think about the first few days of nursing school. We spent our days staring at computer screens trying to associate a face with a name. I will never forget the day that I finally got to see everyone for the first time. I was nervous, but so excited, to be connected with people that knew the struggle I was going through and understood the sacrifices that a nursing student has to make.”
Kaitlyn continued, “Nursing school has been the most difficult thing I have ever done, but also the most rewarding. It has tested my limits but has shown me what I am truly capable of when I set my mind to something. We have all discussed our potential plans. Many of us have jobs already set up. As we look back on where we started and where we are now, it’s clear that we learned to take care of our patients by first learning to take care of one another. I feel incredibly honored and proud to speak on behalf of our amazing class. So, here’s to our class and the amazing faculty of STC.”
Graduates were awarded their pins by nursing instructor Donna Jean Braddy.
“It takes a special type of person to choose a career dedicated to serving the needs of others. These students pledge themselves to the sacred work they have chosen. Tonight, students light a candle in this ceremony in honor of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing, and they pledge the Hippocratic Oath,” said ASN Instructor Mary Martha Jennings.
ASN Instructor Rachel Sikes added, “As this evening ends, I want to take a moment to express our gratitude for each student present tonight and thank you for choosing Southeastern Technical College. The pinning ceremony is one of my favorite parts of the nursing journey. It gives us an opportunity to honor the students in a special way and to show them how proud we are of their accomplishments.”
To the graduating class, Mrs. Sikes said, “As you reflect over the past few years, I am sure you will all remember the late nights of studying, the early morning clinical rotations, and the absence at family functions, but I hope you also remember the lives you changed, the friendships you made, and the knowledge you gained. Each of you has shown that you’ve got what it takes to make an outstanding nurse. We commend you for your dedication and perseverance during this demanding journey. I encourage you to practice integrity, patience, and compassion. Most importantly, I challenge you to make a difference.”
The Associate of Science in Nursing Program is designed to produce technically- advanced, competent, and caring individuals who are prepared to practice professional nursing in a variety of healthcare settings. The curriculum provides students with the necessary attitude, knowledge, and skills to practice competently and safely as a beginning nurse generalist in acute, long-term, and community healthcare settings. Program graduates, who meet and fulfill exit requirements, are eligible to apply to the Georgia Board of Nursing to write the National Council Licensing Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN).
An ASN cohort is accepted each year, beginning fall semester. The Traditional Option program is offered on the Vidalia campus and spans over four semesters. A Bridge Option program is available on the Swainsboro campus for qualified individuals who possess current, Georgia unrestricted licensure as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) or Paramedic (EMT-P) to bridge his or her education and training into the Associate of Science in Nursing Degree.
For more information on programs offered at STC, visit www.southeasterntech. edu or call (912) 538-3100 or (478) 2892200.