Vidalia High School Students Compete in VOD Contest

Two students from Vidalia High School competed in the annual Voice of Democracy Essay/ Speech Contest, which is sponsored by the local post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary.
Georgia Meredith, a Sophomore at VHS, competed well in the high school division, while Dottie McDaniel, a VHS Junior, won First Place. Dottie's entry has been sent to the District VFW to compete against other local Post winners. If she wins first in the District contest, her essay/speech will be sent to the State contest.
Georgia Meredith is the daughter of Suzanna and Gray Meredith of Vidalia. Dottie is the daughter of Angie and Brian Mc-Daniel of Vidalia.
The VFW Auxiliary continues to encourage young Americans to voice their support and concerns for veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces as well as for those currently serving in the U.S. Military to protect our nation.