A New Era Begins In Montgomery Co.

Two Montgomery County High School (MCHS) graduates have officially returned to their alma mater as members of the Board of Education.
John O’Connor, who graduated from the school system in 1992, and Fernando Rodriguez III, who graduated from MCHS in 2009, have officially joined the Montgomery County Board of Education (MCBOE), after winning their respective elections last May.
O’Connor represents the Uvalda district, having defeated former MCBOE Chairman Jim Paul Poole, and Rodriguez represents Post 2 of the Ailey/ Mount Vernon District, having continued from page
defeated former MCBOE member Debra Dobbins Gay.
Montgomery County Probate Judge Rubie Nell Sanders administred their oaths of office at a called meeting on Tuesday, January 3.
The men quickly got to work, as they took part in the unanimous approval of MCBOE Member Henry Price, who represents the Tarrytown/Kibbee District, to serve as Chairman, after MCBOE members Susan Beard and Eugene “Pete” Ward made the motion for this appointment. Rodriguez also made the motion to appoint Ward as the Board’s Vice Chairman, which was unanimously approved by the group.
Meeting Schedule
The Board also approved the 2023 Meeting Schedule. In the approved schedule, monthly work sessions will occur every month except June and July; these work sessions will begin at 5 p.m. on each scheduled date. The scheduled work sessions are: Tuesday, January 10 Thursday, February 16 Thursday, March 16 Thursday, April 13 Monday, May 8 Monday, August 14 Thursday, September 14 Thursday, October 12 Thursday, November 9 Tuesday, December 12 The dates for the regular monthly meetings, which occur at 6 p.m. on each scheduled date, were also slated. Those meetings are set for: Thursday, January 12 Tuesday, February 21 Tuesday, March 21 Tuesday, April 18 Monday, May 15 Tuesday, June 20 Monday, July 27 Monday, August 21 Monday, September 18 Monday, October 23 Tuesday, November 14 Thursday, December 14