Your Mind - ONLINE

Your Mind
Got a complaint? Got a compliment? Call Your Mind On Line at 537-6397 and let us know what’s on your mind. Quotes are printed exactly as they are called in and are not necessarily factual, but rather, callers’ opinions. Libelous, slanderous, personal attacks, and unfounded accusatory or lengthy comments will not be printed. Two calls per week per caller, and calls should not exceed 30 seconds, please.
“Diane Born is a treasure to this community. Thank you, Diane, for what you have given to our children.”
“Property owners (i.e. Taxpayers) within the city of Vidalia are harassed on a regular basis by “Jimmy from the City” regarding code violations of yard maintenance and construction site cleanliness. Code violations are deemed a “nuisance” to the city and its residents and court action is often threatened. How can the citizens of Vidalia receive the same attention to crime, drug and gang activity which has certainly become much more than a mere nuisance?”
“TCU might stand for Texas Christian University, but the Bible is still written in Red and Black…Congratulations Dawgs !!!”
“The Energy Assistance place in Montgomery County got it all crossed up where you can’t even get in contact with them. I wish someone would take over the Energy Assistance place where we can call them if we want to call them. Thank you.”
“ I’m almost 80 years old, and they got it so hard at Montgomery County Energy Assistance that you can’t get in contact with them. Looks like somebody would try to get it straightened out where you can at least get in contact with the energy assistance people.”
“Regarding sending billions of dollars to Ukraine to help the homeless, asking why we can’t do that here. We have homeless here who don’t want to work, they want to remain homeless. You try to help them and they do not want to be helped. We do try to help the homeless here. I’m actually one of those people, and a lot of them do not want to be helped.”
“Whose bright idea was it for a roundabout in Lyons? This is about the stupidest crap I’ve ever seen in my life.”
“I am so proud of Harry having the courage to come out and tell it like it is over in England. For so many years, everything has been a secret regarding the king and queen. He’s losing a lot of things, but Harry knows he’ll never be king since
there are 3 ahead of him. He has done an awesome job protecting his wife and children and doing what needs to be done. Hail to Harry.”
“I’m amazed that our county officials can come up with the money to improve the airport, build recreation centers and golf courses, but cannot come up with the money to upgrade our city’s water system in Vidalia. Apparently recreation comes ahead of the safety and health of the citizens who pay the taxes in Vidalia.”
“For the City of Vidalia, I disagree with the fact that they sent someone on private property to check the recycling bin. That is really brave.”