RTCA’s Leo Club Update

Robert Toombs Christian Academy's Leo Club has been very active this year. Membership for the 2022-2023 school year reached 40 by October. An Induction Ceremony was held in the gym to install officers and induct new members. Lion Jason Hall conducted the ceremony. The 2022-2023 slate of officers include Leo Addie Thompson, President; Leo Caroline Thompson, Vice-President; Leo Aly Brown, Secretary; Leo Nicole Acosta, Treasurer; and Leos Emmie Lynn, Amily Mixon, and Mary-Claire Wolfe, Directors.
Projects for the Fall Semester included: 1. Encouragement Cards — Leo members designed and made cards to send to young cancer patients with words of support and encouragement. 27 cards were sent to Memorial Health Dwaine & Cynthia Willett Children’s Hospital of Savannah for their Childhood Cancer project.
2. In conjunction with District 18N, the RTCA Leo club collected 25 boxes of Legos to donate for young cancer patients 3. In recognition of National Diabetes Month and International Diabetes Day, the RTCA Leo Club sponsored a dress-down day. Students were able to pay money to wear sweatpants to school, which are normally not allowed under normal dress code. Middle and High School Students paid their money, received a ribbon to wear in honor of International Diabetes Day, and received a flyer about diabetes awareness. The event raised $534, which was donated to the American Diabetes Association.
4. RTCA Leo Club sponsors an annual food drive for the entire school. Students wrap boxes in white paper and place a box in each classroom. Students bring in canned goods. The boxes are then placed in the gym for an all-school chapel service in December. We refer to this as our “White Christmas” project. This year, RTCA's Head of School, Mr. Travis Absher, asked Leo to be in charge of the Chapel service. Leos read the Christmas story from Scripture and then led the school in the singing of Christmas carols. The RTCA student body collected a total of 1625 total cans.
Senior Addie Thompson, club President, said, “Leo members are in the process of developing projects to emphasize vision and environmental goals for the spring semester. We have several different ideas of what we want to work on this semester, and I can’t wait to see these come to fruition. There are four Leo club districts in Georgia and RTCA’s Leo Club is the largest in District 18N. I am proud, not only to be President of such a great club, but proud of the student body for coming together and working hard for the betterment of our community and the different organizations that benefit from these projects.”