Interview an Octogenarian Contest Returns
The annual Lyons Main Street Association Interview an Octogenarian Contest has returned to give students, from grades kindergarten through 12, a chance at a $100 prize.
Each year, the organization hosts this competition as a way to gain stories for the annual Tales From the Altamaha production, which utilizes narratives from past newspaper articles and other records for their show. For this competition, students should interview an octogenarian – a person who is at least 80 years of age or older (close to 80 is acceptable) – who grew up in Toombs County. They should be asked about their experience sharing phones with their neighbors, getting their first televisions or indoor plumbing, traveling to town, or other stories about being young and living life in the area. The more unique and interesting the stories are, the better the chance at winning the competition; the organization also favors stories about being a kid and living life on the Altamaha River.
The stories shared in these interviews should be written or typed into 400-500 word narratives, which are then submitted to the Lyons Main Street Association by April 1 through emails to lyonsmainstreet@ gmai l. org or mailed submissions to 134 NW Broad Street in Lyons. The top 3 competitors will receive free tickets to the first showing of the Tales From the Altamaha play, where their names will be announced and they will be given a free t-shirt. First place story winners will be featured in next year’s play and will win a $100 prize.
For more information, call the Lyons Main Street Association office at (912) 526-6445.
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