SECCA Kicks Off College and Career Readiness Activities
Southeastern Early College and Career Academy (SECCA) kicked off its college and career readiness activities recently.
College and Career Readiness refers to the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to be successful in post-secondary education and/or training that leads to gainful employment. Today's workplace requires that all workers be lifelong learners in order to advance their careers. Some of the activities include administering career assessments to students, hosting a college and career readiness day that will include military representatives, employers, and college representatives, inviting guest speakers to speak with students, students creating college and career vision boards, hosting a personal finance day, using realworld equipment to teach lessons, and more.
SECCA CEO John Sharpe emphasized the importance of these activities. 'All students should graduate from high school ready for college and careers, prepared to pursue the future of their choosing. At SECCA, we are preparing students for life,” he remarked.