Toombs 4-H Attends District DPA

The Miracle of 4-H: The Game Worth Playing was the theme for this year’s Southeast District 4-H Project Achievement held recently at Rock Eagle 4-H Center. Twenty-eight middle and high school students from Vidalia Heritage, Vidalia City and Toombs County schools joined over 300 others from across Southeast Georgia. The youth spent a weekend of competition and participating in 4-H District Officer elections and recreation.
The project competition had two parts. First members were scored on a project portfolio detailing activity completed during the 2022 calendar year. Second, members presented a demonstration in their project area. The scores from the two segments were combined for the total score.
Thirteen Toombs County senior members in grades 9 – 12 attended this year’s competition for a chance to represent the Southeast District at State 4-H Congress in July. Toombs County had a record high six members who were named as winners and advanced to State 4-H Congress. Members advancing to state are Brittney Bryant (Food for Fitness), Grace Holt (Communications), Bailey Hutchins (Physical, Biological, and Earth Science), Riya Patel (Textiles, Merchandising and Interiors), Kingston Ryals (Robotics) and Mary Laura Tippett (Workforce Preparation). Receiving 2nd place were Tami Gonzalez (Housing), Landon McDonald (Flowers, Shrubs and Lawns) and Hailey Morgan in the Fruits, Vegetables and Nuts project. Receiving honorable mention were LaLane Angeles (Performing Arts – General), Gregory Huston (Performing Arts Vocal), DeArika Jackson (General Recreation), and Auston Thompson (Workforce Preparation).
In the Junior Division, fifteen members participated. First place participants included: Alexa Acosta (International), Julie Edenfield (Robotics), Katie Eduardo (Marine Science), Miranda Morgan (Target Sports) Marianna Ramirez (Crafts) and Tiera Shaw (Health). Receiving second place were Daniel Cerrillo, Jr (General Recreation), Ansleigh Edwards (Physical, Biological & Earth Sciences), Kandise Tootle (Outdoor Recreation), Adain Varnadore (Target Sports), and Abby White (Arts). Members placing third included Haylee Doyle (Performing Arts – Vocal), Deanna Gonzalez (Sports – Team, 8th grade) and Dorinda Oliver (Sports – Team, 7th grade). Auston Edwards placed 4th in Dog Care and Training.
Several 4-H members served in leadership roles and we vital in planning the weekend’s events. Senior 4-H Member Brittney Bryant represented Toombs County as the Southeast District Senior Board Vice President. Kandice Toole, served as Southeast District Junior Board Vice President and Tiera Shaw served as a Southeast District Junior Board member. Each of these members were presented with retiring officer awards. Senior 4-H member Kingston Ryals was elected to serve as the 202324 Southeast District Senior Board 4-H Vice President.
Several members from Southeast District were recognized for outstanding work during the year. Senior 4-H member Riya Patel was one of the outstanding members recognized. She was recognized for her outstanding community service project for the relief efforts for a local family who lost their home to a fire. Graduating seniors were presented with graduation cords. Member from Toombs County receiving cords were: LaLane Angeles, Bailey Hutchins, Riya Patel and MaryLaura Tippett. Toombs County was awarded 2nd place for most participants at the competition.
Extension staff members accompanying the group included Cheryl Poppell, 4-H Coordinator; Riley Wimberly, 4-H Educator; and Carol Hester, 4-H AmeriCorps Member. Jodi Kramer and Shirley Earls also attended as volunteer leaders.
For more information about 4-H in Toombs County, contact the local office at 912- 526-3101 or visit Toombs County Extension online at http:// www.ugaextension. com/ toombs/.
RETIRING JUNIOR BOARD VICE PRESIDENT — Kandise Tootle (right) accepts a plaque as Vice President of the 2022-2023 Southeast Junior Board from Board Advisor Shirley Earls (left).
TOOMBS DPA PARTICIPANTS – 28 Middle and High School Students from schools within Toombs County attended the District DPA Event with the county’s 4-H program on February 3-5. Front Row, L to R: Mariana Ramirez, Julie Edenfield, Katie Eduardo, Mary Laura Tippett, Grace Holt, Haylee Doyle, Dorinda Oliver, Deanna Gonzalez, Alexa Acosta. Middle Row, L to R: Adain Varnadore, Auston Thompson, Abby White, Kandise Tootle, Tiera Shaw, Hailey Morgan, Auston Thompson, Bailey Hutchins, Riya Patel, Tami Gonzalez, Ansleigh Edwards. Back Row from L to R: DeArika Jackson, Kingston Ryals, Brittney Bryant, Gregory Huston, Landon McDonald, LaLane Angeles, Daniel Cerrillo. Not Pictured Miranda Morgan.
GRADUATES – Four members of the Class of 2023 were given their 4-H graduation cords, which they will wear with their regalia in May. L to R: Riya Patel, Bailey Hutchins, LaLane Angeles, Mary Laura Tippett.
RETIRING SENIOR BOARD VICE PRESIDENT — Brittney Bryant (right) accepts a plaque for service as 2022-2023 Southeast Senior Board Vice President from Board Advisor Mark Braddy (left).
OUTSTANDING SERVICE PROJECT — Riya Patel (left) accepts an award for Outstanding Service Project from Southeast District Director Arch Smith (right).