Wheeler 4-H Visits Southeast Junior/Senior Project Achievement

Seven students, ranging from grades 7 to 12, traveled with Wheeler County 4-H to Rock Eagle on Friday, February 3, to spend the weekend competing at the Southeast District Junior/Senior Project Achievement (DPA) conference. According to Wheeler County 4-H Program Assistant Nicole Thornton, these students had a weekend full of activities, balancing their time between competing and enjoying the fun activities which the camp has to offer. Saturday morning, February 4, all students completed their presentations in their individual project areas, and later celebrated with activities of their choice, including yard games, a scavenger hunt, rides on the trivia bus, and more.
During this time, the group also cast their ballots to elect representatives for the upcoming Junior/ Senior Boards, which candidates campaigned for throughout the weekend, and attended a dance for all participants.
Each member of the Wheeler County 4-H did well in their presentations, and the results were as follows: Junior DPA
8th Grader Lexie Ricks: 1st Place-Entomology (Blue Morpho Butterfly) 7th Grader Layton Johnson: 2nd Place-Engineering and Mechanics (Arc Flash) 7th Grader-Annmarie Adams: 3rd Grade-Dog Care and Training (Bull Mastiff) Senior DPA
9th Grade Maniya Pettigrew: 3rd Place-Human Development (Human Trafficking) 9th Grade Lydia Horne: 3rd Place Horse (Barrel Racing Safety) 9th Grade Kolben Haymons: 7th Place History (Video Games through the Years) 9th Grade Jekayla Mills: 8th Place Workforce Prep (Archeology) “These 4-Hers have worked very hard [on their projects] and prepared for this,” Thornton remarked. “We are very proud of all of them – we were represented well!”
Maniya Pettigrew
Annmarie Adams
Lexie Ricks
Lydia Horne
Kolben Haymons
Jekayla Mills