Daughters of Joe & Maranda Potter Granddaughters of Anna Claxton and Rickey & Judith Rogers

Children of Justin & Cierra Rollins Daughter of Kelsey Helms Granddaughter of Dewayne & Leigh Spivey and Michael & Charlotte Helms Son of Chris & Kayla Johnson Grandson of Tony & Smokie Jo Morgan and John & Barbara Joyce Son of Jordan Phillips and TJ & Kaitlin Phillips Grandson of Gloria & Tyler Phillips, Becky & Jeffrey Morgan, Lynn Mathis Great Aunt Celetta Aultman, and Billy & Vicki NeeSmith Child of Kaitlin & TJ Phillips Grandchild of Lynn Mathis Great Aunt Celetta Aultman, Billy & Vicki NeeSmith, and Gloria & Tyler Phillips
Lenox and Lilah Potter
Bentley & Delaney Rollins
Kensley Helms
William Wade Henriott
Robert Luke Beckum
Son of Tyler & Rebecca Beckum Grandson of Tim & Tammy Horton, Missy Beckum, Robert & Kim Beckum Great-Grandson of Margie Horton and Wayne Phillips
Colten Johnson
Ty Phillips
Brooks Phillips