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attendees that the students recognized for the Heart of Georgia RESA Writing Contests had writing submitted by their teachers to the competition. Several students placed, and a few others earned honorable mention.
Ayla Hardeman placed 4th in the 5th grade writing competition, while Carter Rodgers took the 4th place prize for 4th grade. Clara Cheek was an honorable mention competitor in the 3rd grade writing competition, Treasure Green took the 1st place honor for the 2nd grade writing competition, and Olivia Fussell earned an honorable mention for the 1st grade writing competition.
SOAR Students Students who earned the monthly SOAR Award, also known as the Student of the Month Award, were also recognized during the meeting. Keen explained that these students were selected by their teachers because of their adherence to the Eagle Code, which emphasizes the importance of striving to be ones best, owning one s actions, acting safely, and respecting themselves and others.
The honored students were as follows: Pre-K: Elayna Dallas, Leilani Pineda Kindergarten: Ja’Nyla Lemon, Anthony McKenzie, Jaxson Pope, Cason Young First Grade: Ariana Garcia-Sanchez, Dailynn Jackson, Alondra Martinez Second Grade: Bryson Glisson, Wesson Clark, Leticia Serrano, Adasyn Mc-Coy Third Grade: Bretley Beasley, Jarrett Davis, Chris Palacios, Zoe White Fourth Grade: Makhail Jones, Jonathan Ramirez Fifth Grade: Monica Gracia-Lugo, Kayden Lee, Ayla Hardeman Action Items Emergency Authorization Assistant Superintendent Brian Barnhill told the Board that after hearing a situation that needs to be addressed immediately regarding the roof at Eagle Academy, he became aware of the ability of the Board to complete an emergency authorization for contract work for the necessary repairs, which will shorten the process by several months. According to Barnhill, the law which dictates that schools must go through a sealed bid proposal process for these projects also explains that in emergency situations regarding public works and construction, the Board may bypass this sealed proposal process and immediately complete the needed task, which is in this case hiring a contractor.
The contractor was approved by the Board. This occurred at a called meeting
MOCO SCHOOL PAGEANT WINNERS — The Montgomery County School System crowned the king and aueens of the annual school pageant on Saturday, February 11, at the Montgomery County Boara of Education Auditorium. L to R, front row: Tiny Miss Montgomery County Elementary School (MCES) Elliett Hartley, Mr. MCES Johnny Heggs, Jr., L to R, back row: Miss MCES Kinley Cook, Miss Montgomery County High School (MCHS) Carley Moxley, Little Miss MCES Adasyn McCoy.
on Monday, February 27, as all Board members agreed that this was the best option for the schools current situation. School System Attorney Daniel O’Connor also looked over the law to ensure legality of this action prior to its completion. By enacting the emergency authorization, the repair process will now begin at the contractors next availability, rather than in several months, when the bid process would have been completed.
Technology Grant Budget The budget for a $100,000 rural technology grant was unanimously approved by the Board. The school system will use this money to provide laptops for staff and to complete the student Chromebook “rollout” replacement cycle for the schools. Although the grant did not fully fund the cost of these purchases, Federal Programs Director Julie Harrelson discovered the school had consolidated funding left over, which must be spent during the ~7 school year. After providing $400 to teachers and staff members for needed supplies, enough of this funding remains to cover the technology costs at the Montgomery County Middle/ High School. The grant also covers the technology costs for the Montgomery County Elementary School. Eagle Academy Program Model The MCBOE unanimously approved moving the elementary division of the Montgomery County Eagle Academy back to the Montgomery County Elementary School campus to allow the students to be reunited with the remainder of their peers. The program will continue at this new location, providing gifted education to the Eagle Academy students. The Middle School Eagle Academy students will continue to meet at the current location.
Little Eagle Learning Center Pay Scale The pay scale for the new Little Eagle Learning Center, an on-site daycare center for teachers and staff in the school district, was unanimously approved by the Board, which agreed that the lead teacher would get a $5 per hour supplement to base pay, which paraprofessionals will receive.
PRE-K AND KINDERGARTEN SOAR STUDENTS – L to R: Montgomery County Elementary School Assistant Principal Candice Keen, Elayna Dallas, Leilani Pineda, Ja'Nyla Lemon, Jaxson Pope, Cason Young. Back: Superintendent Stan Rentz. Not pictured: Anthony McKenzie.
Eagle Thrift Shop Community Yard Sale The Eagle Thrift Shop will host several community yard sales on Saturdays each month. The store operators invite the public to browse their inventory. Members of the public may also sell alongside the Thrift Shop for $10 per day, while other clubs in the district may use this opportunity as a fundraising effort for a discounted rate of $5 per day.
Personnel All certified teachers currently on the roster for next year were accepted unanimously by the Board. Teacher Amber Durrance
Photo By Makaylee Randolph
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was voted on separately from the rest of the roster, as Board Member John O’Conner abstained from voting because of potential conflicts of interest.
Resignations were accepted for Madison Thomas and Jessica Downie, which are effective at the end of the current contract.
Dante Hall was hired as the Montgomery County Middle/High School Assistant Principal, Krista Sarillo was hired as elementary school special education paraprofessional. Also hired were substitute Johnathan Whiting, substitute Alyssa Sanchez, and substitute Tyler Tanner.
Photo By Makaylee Randolph
4th AND 5th GRADE SOAR STUDENTS – L to R: Montgomery County Elementary School Assistant Principal Candice Keen, Kayden Lee, Superintendent Stan Rentz, Ayla Hardeman. Not pictured: Makhail Jones, Jonathan Ramirez, Monica Gracia-Lugo.
Photo by Makaylee Randolph
FIRST PLACE WINNER – Treasure Green was honored at the recent Montgomery County Board of Education meeting for winning 1st place in the Heart of Georgia RESA 2nd Grade Writing Competition. L to R: Superintendent Stan Rentz, Montgomery County Elementary School Assistant Principal Candice Keen, Treasure Green.
Photo By Makaylee Randolph
3RD GRADE SOAR STUDENTS – L to R: Montgomery County Elementary School Assistant Principal Candice Keen, Bretley Beasley, Jarrett Davis, Chris Palacios, Zoe White. Back: Superintendent Stan Rentz.
1ST AND 2ND GRADE SOAR STUDENTS – L to R: Montgomery County Elementary School Assistant Principal Candice Keen, Ariana Garcia-Sanchez, Dailynn Jackson, Alondra Martinez, Bryson Glisson, Wesson Clark, Leticia Serrano, Adasyn McCoy. Back: Superintendent Stan Rentz.