Your Mind - ONLINE

Your Mind
Got a complaint? Got a compliment? Call Your Mind On Line at 537-6397 and let us know what’s on your mind. Quotes are printed exactly as they are called in and are not necessarily factual, but rather, callers’ opinions. Libelous, slanderous, personal attacks, and unfounded accusatory or lengthy comments will not be printed. Two calls per week per caller, and calls should not exceed 30 seconds, please.
“The majority of what the GA Legislature does during the session and what is typical of most politicians is they create problems so they can fix them. Or they try to fix something that really isn’t broken. Senator Blake seems to be doing something right by addressing a much needed problem of telemarketing calls. Let’s hope he is successful and puts an end to this aggravating problem.”
“Kudos to our great Senator Tillery for introducing legislation targeting the telemarketing issue. The legislature needs to go after AT& T, Verizon and the other carriers and make them accountable to stop this annoyance. Thanks, Blake. A piece of legislation that actually does something good for the citizens of the state.”
“President Biden has approved over $100 billion for Ukraine but has rejected any federal emergency funds to help the residents of Ohio who are suffering through a poinsonous toxic train derailment that is killing fish in their streams and animals in their yards.”
“Dunkin Donuts in Vidalia has no customer service at all. The 2 young girls don’t know how to speak to their customers and say, “May I help You?’ Never again will I go to this store.”
“ WVOP, you can do a lot better than having Erik Erikson on from 12 to 3.”
“This is the day which the Lord hath made in which I will rejoice and be glad.”
“I think we as Americans need to even more support the Ukrainian people because they are fighting for their freedom, and that’s a pathway to ours. Putin is doing his best to conquer the world. If the Ukrainian people beat him at his own game, then the world can have democracy and some peace. But if Putin is not stopped, and I think God will stop him, then he is out to take over the world. Support the Ukrainian people.”
“Out there on Loop Rd. where y’all are going to put the roundabout, why don’t you just put a red light there? That makes more sense.”
“Many thanks to those folks who have been cleaning up the McMillan Cemetery by the Primitive Baptist Church on Church St. It sure looks much better. I wish the city would do more to promote the cemetery. There’s a lot of history there.”
“I would like to compliment 2 good Samaritans, a 17-yearold young man and his father, who helped with a blown out tire on my truck last Wednesday. There are some good people who will help. Thank you.”
“This is about the roundabout in Lyons. I don’t know who decided to do it but it’s a big mistake. All the tax dollars on that, and there should have been a red light.”
“To all politicians from Toombs County to Washington, DC, now that we know that COVID came from China, the balloon came from China, and a whole lot of our other troubles are coming from China, can we plese quit kissing their butt and treat them like the enemy they are? And they are buddied up with Russia. Why don’t you politicians wake up and see what’s about to happen to the United States of America?”