Quotes for our Times:

'It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.'
— Thomas Sowell John Cribb, author of 'The Rail Splitter: A Novel of Abraham Lincoln': Lincoln's advice for success still rings true today.
Lincoln grew up with one of the greatest blessings: freedom. Life on the frontier of Lincoln’s youth was often hard, but people were generally free to make their way as best they could. That’s what Lincoln did, and it’s a main reason he cherished freedom.
It was also a chief reason he hated slavery, which robbed people of the ability to make better lives for themselves. Lincoln never lost faith that this country, which he loved deeply, would deliver on the promise of freedom. That’s why, as president, he called America 'the last best hope of earth.'
Madeline Leesman, Web Editor at Townhall. com: Five democrats who hate school choice, unless it’s for themselves.
“The big factor is what happens at the state level,” [Michael Petrilli, president of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute] added, explaining that “and in red states there’s little stopping the expansion of parental choice, especially as Republicans look to become the ‘party of parents,’ or so they say.”
This month, Biden “accidentally endorsed” school choice when he shared a tweet attacking Republican Gov. Ron De-Santis (FL).
“I think every kid, in every zip code, in every state should have access to every education opportunity possible,” Biden wrote.
Stephen Moore, senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation and an economist with FreedomWorks: Did Buttigieg just admit that he's not in Ohio because…he's taking 'personal time'?
But Petey should have been there right around the time the Environmental Protection Agency decided to make a stop by. Pete doesn’t do any work, opting to go on what feels like permanent paternity leave. He sat and did nothing as the supply chain crisis engulfed the nation. He let the airline industry crash and burn over the holidays. Southwest Airlines was the epicenter of an extensive flight cancellation calamity due to shoddy software that the government was aware of for months.
And instead of addressing this rail accident, Buttigieg is taking jabs at construction for being too white. Like Biden, for every crisis which comes under his purview, Pete has failed to resolve it. For every crisis that’s been forewarned, Pete sits and does nothing.
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