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it in the shape of a tent,” he explained. “He told us to put it (the flyer tent) in the refrigerator beside the milk, so that’s what I did.”
Copeland’s mother found the flyer tent during a visit to the fridge, and the rest is history – he signed up for Cub Scouts that next night, and has been a member of Scouting ever since.
“From hiking to campouts all over the place, to summer camps, full of fun and learning; from canoeing to kayaking, to climbing and rappelling; from learning to kneeboard and finally grasping the concept of wakeboarding, to whitewater rafting 5 rivers in just 5 days – adventure is simply an understatement,” Copeland emphasized. “I have met lifelong friends and have had the privilege of learning from several great role models in my troop and council.”
During the ceremony, Copeland not only took the famous Eagle Oath and changed his green neck scarf to the famous royal blue scarf, but also presented pins to his parents and a special mentor. His mother, Lori, received a pin for her dedication to ensuring that Copeland made it to Scouting events and had all that he needed. His father, Brett, also received a pin for his dedication to his son’s journey as a Scout.
When discussing who would be presented with his Eagle Scout Mentor Pin, Copeland gave thanks to several people who had influenced his life. “This is harder than you would think; I started thinking about all the people who had been great mentors to me. The list was so long, so I want to thank a few people today,” he explained.
“First and foremost, I’d like to thank my parents. I made my Mom a promise when I started Scouting that I would finish [the program}. This was a rule my parents had for anything I wanted to participatein,butthisone was hard to keep,” Copeland remarked. “They have pushed me to be who I am now. Not only has it been an adventure for me, but my family has grown through Scouting. They have both been very active in Scouting this whole time. Thank you, Mom and Dad, for everything.”
He continued with thanks. “Mr. Todd Corley is audio/video/film class teacher and e-sports coach at Toombs County High School. I have been in one of his classes ever since sophomore year. Mr. Corley has led me to become a better person by helping me become a better sport after losing a tough match, and by introducing me to the world of film. I thank you for being a great role model, and for being the best coach that a gamer could ask for.”
Copeland then shared his gratitude for his high school science teacher, Dana Manning. “To those of you who don’t already know, I don’t do so well with blood or anything that comes out of your body. Mrs. Manning was my chemistry teacher and my human anatomy and physiology teacher. I was skeptical at first, but after dissecting a cow’s eye, I thought I could finally handle anything that came my way — until she told us we had to dissect a piglet. After that day, my fear had been washed away — after I washed my hands. Thank you, Mrs. Manning, for teaching me how to conquer my fears.”
He then thanked those who had impacted him most during Scouting, beginning with former Scoutmaster Lee Stephens. “Mr. Lee was my Scoutmaster when I first joined the troop. I remember sitting down with him while on my first Scoutmaster conference, and I’m not going to lie, I was pretty nervous. He asked me this question: ‘What are some things you want to do in Scouting?’ I named some things like kayaking, camping, etc. Right then, he also challenged me to finish my Scouting adventure, of course, by becoming an Eagle Scout. Thank you, Mr. Lee, for challenging me.”
“This [thank you] is not [to] a person, but an organization: the Kiwanis Club of Vidalia,” Coleman said, adding, “This organization has been the charter organization for both Cub Scout Pack and Boy Scout Troop 933 for many, many years. In 2019, we all celebrated 100 years of Troop 933, and Kiwanis is the reason this troop is still around. I don’t know how many 100-year-old troops are still around, but I’m sure there’s not many. We have one here in Vidalia, Georgia, because of the Kiwanis organization. Thank you to all members for supporting us.”
Coleman ended with the formal presentation of the Eagle Scout Mentor Pin to Troop Committee Chairman Ken Whitson. “Mr. Ken has taught me lots of things, like plant identification,” Copeland said. He told about one of their encounters with plant identification, in which Copeland brought a three-leafed plant to Whitson during one of his first camping trips with the troop. Copeland asked Whitson what the plant could be, and Whitson had a simple reply: “That there boy is poison ivy.”
Copeland related the memories and lessons which he had shared with Whitson. “Mr. Ken has pushed me to become a leader, and I am not going to lie, he intimidated me at first,” he commented. “I thought I knew how to swim, but he taught me to swim better. He got me through the hard merit badges that I struggled to get through myself. Mr. Ken is the most dedicated person I know when it comes to Scouting – he has dedicated his life to the Boy Scouts.”
“I was asked at a National Youth Leadership Training that I attended, ‘Who do you think lives the Scout Oath the most?’ My answer exactly was, ‘Hands down, Mr. Ken.’ He’s pushed me hard, especially the closer I got to becoming an Eagle. He is the one person, other than my parents, that has mentored me the most,” Copeland added.
Eagle Scout Project
To become an Eagle Scout, Copeland had to complete an Eagle Scout project, which has to be helpful to the community. For his Eagle Scout project, Copeland chose to renovate the walking track at the Ed Smith Complex in Vidalia.
The current Troop 933 Scout Hut is located at the complex; thus, Copeland has witnessed firsthand the wear and tear that has been placed on the park’s pavement. As part of his project, Copeland worked to improve the track – laying asphalt in two corners of the path, moving dirt and leveling the track, and seal coating as much of the asphalt as possible. He also pressure washed the pavement, renovated benches, and overall, improved the area for all who utilize the complex.
RARE HONOR – Troop Committee Chairman Ken Whitson emphasized that achieving the Eagle Scout rank is a rare accomplishment, as many leave the Scouting program or reach age 18 before completing the task. Here, Copeland stands as Whitson explains his duties as Eagle Scout.