ASBELL RECOGNIZED – The Friends of the Vidalia-Toombs Libraries recognized Ohoopee Regional Library Director Cameron Asbell (left) for her accomplishment of being named the Georgia Library Director of the Year with a celebration on Thursday, February 23. Here, President Marlene Tomlin (right) presents Asbell with a gift from the organization for her work and service to the three Toombs County Libraries. ASBELL RECOGNIZED – The Friends of the Vidalia-Toombs Libraries recognized Ohoopee Regional Library Director Cameron Asbell (left) for her accomplishment of being named the Georgia Library Director of the Year with a celebration on Thursday, February 23. Here, President Marlene Tomlin (right) presents Asbell with a gift from the organization for her work and service to the three Toombs County Libraries.
OPTING OUT - Alamo City Councilmen Steve Jones, left, makes a point while other Council members listen during discussion about HB581. The Council met February 27 to adopt a resolution officially opting out of participating in the measure. Governmental entities wishing to opt out had a March 1 deadline to pass a resolution and forward it to the Secretary of State’s office.Photo by Deborah Clark
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