continued from page former presidents ….
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former presidents are above the law, but the old norm of forbearance is appropriate.
We shouldn’t want to conduct an experiment in what happens when a presidential candidate with an intense following, keenly attuned to potentially unfair treatment, is subjected to a nakedly political prosecution.
That said, it should be Trump’s responsibility not to inflame an already incendiary situation, but he is. That, though, is another foreseeable downside of going down this route with this particular case.
Trump’s enemies never gave up on the idea that the “walls are closing in,” and they’ve decided, where they have the power, to make it a reality. Once again, they feel justified in violating norms in response to Trump’s threat to norms.
As most everyone agrees, a Bragg prosecution will help Trump in the GOP nomination fight, at least initially. If he’s fortunate in his enemies, the country is not.
Rich Lowry is editor of the National Review.
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