TCHS FFA Earn State Degrees

STATE DEGREE AWARDEES – Four Toombs County High School Juniors and Seniors have been awarded FFA State Degrees. L to R: Alexis Hart, Neal Braddy, Jeremy Kramer, Britten Herndon.
Courtesy of Toombs County High School
Four Toombs County High School (TCHS) Students have received Future Farmers of America (FFA) State Degrees, which are the highest level of FFA membership awarded by the Georgia FFA Association.
Alexis Hart, Neal Braddy, Jeremy Kramer, and Britten Herndon all recently received these degrees, which serve to recognize students who have developed an outstanding Supervised Agricultural Experience program throughout their FFA career. They became eligible for this degree by being a member of FFA and enrolled in an agricultural education class for at least 2 years, invested at least $1,000 or 300 hours into agriculture outside of their class, participated in at least 25 community service hours, and demonstrated their leadership abilities.