Montgomery Commission OK’s Multiple Public Works Expenses
Approving purchases and lease agreements for several pieces of equipment used by the Road Department was among the business conducted by the Montgomery County Commission in its regular meeting on April 10.
Among the items considered and approved by the Commission was awarding a four-year lease agreement with John Deere for a new motor grader. The County will pay $5,865.96 a month for the lease of a John Deere 672G Motor Grader.
The Commission also approved the purchase of a 22-foot boom mower for the Road Department at a cost of $197,000, and approved Dobbs Equipment Southeast, LLC, installing a new engine in a John Deere 672GP motor grader.
The Commission also approved a quote from Rhodes Electric of Vidalia of $4,184.00 to install new LED light fixtures on the walking trail at the Montgomery Count Recreation Department, as well as a quote from Secure Georgia, Inc., of $17,112.48 to install security cameras at all five solid waste centers and at the county facility currently known as the solid waste processing center. Altamaha EMC is in the process of installing internet service at the centers, said County Manager Brandon Braddy.
The Commission agreed to a change order from Scruggs Company to add asphalt leveling to the Fire Tower Road full depth reclamation and paving project at a cost of $49, 250. The original agreement of $669,860 called for 1.46 miles of full depth reclamation and 0.94 miles of double surface treatment of Fire Tower Road. Full depth reclamation is the process of grinding up the old pavement and using it as a stronger foundation for the roadway. Reconstruction of a portion of Fire Tower Road was necessary to increase the structural capacity of the roadway due to deterioration of the surface, base and increased traffic.
A resolution was adopted to participate in nationwide class action opioid settlements with Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., Allergan Finance, LLC, Walmart Inc., CVS Health Corporation and CVS Pharmacy, Inc., and Walgreen Co.
Consent Agenda
Under consent agenda items, the Commission approved a maintenance contract with Mobility Specialist LLC, DBA Georgia Elevator Service, to service the Montgomery County Courthouse elevator at a cost of $1, 200 for one year. Also approved was Mobility Specialist’s quote of $8,500 to install a door lock jumper monitor with remote monitoring on the courthouse elevator to comply with state safety regulations. The Commission agreed to a cardboard pickup service contract with the Community Service Board of Middle Georgia for $225 a month to pick up recycled cardboard at all five county solid waste centers. Also gaining the Commission’s approval was the renewal of the Support Service Agreement with Motorola Solutions for software support for the E911 Center in the amount of $13,889.78.
Other Business
County Manager Braddy reported that with one quarter of FY 2023 elapsed, the County has collected 63.8% of its budgeted revenue and expended 24% of its budgeted expenses. He also reported that the County’s EMA Director, Donnie Daniels, is in the process of obtaining quotes for supplying AEDs to all county buildings.
County Works Director Milton Fountain advised the Commission that he and the county manager are in the process of inspecting the courthouse for needed improvements and upgrades and that a cleanup of the courthouse basement is in progress.
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