Nobles to Serve As ACCG At-Large Representative

Courtesy of the Toombs County Commission
Toombs County Commissioner Darriel Nobles was recently sworn in to fill an unexpired term on the 2022-2023 Association County Commissioners of Georgia (ACCG or Georgia’s County Association) Board of Managers, after having been elected earlier this year. Nobles will represent the association as an At-Large Representative covering the whole state. “On behalf of the association staff and our membership, I would like to welcome Commissioner Nobles on this new position on the Board of Managers,” said Executive Director Dave Wills. “Elected by their peers, the ACCG Board of Managers is a group of dynamic leaders that serve as decision makers on behalf of our organization.”
Since being elected to the Toombs County Board of Commissioners in 2013, Nobles has served as ACCG’s 9th District Representative for the last four years. Nobles has also served in several leadership roles in his local community such as president of the Toombs County Chamber of Commerce, chairman of the development authority, and an elected member of the local school board, local hospital authority and president of Georgia Rural Letter Carriers. As an ACCG At-Large Representative, Nobles will work alongside other board members to lead the association and guide policies during the next year.
Nobles commented on the honor. “I would like to thank my Georgia Peers for offering me the opportunity to be on the State Board of Managers. I’m happy to accept the ACCG At-Large Representative position. I look forward to beginning work with other Board Members in a lead and guide position during the next year,” he remarked.