Gator Creek Young Guns Win Big at Jr Blast

Courtesy of Gator Creek
The Gator Creek Young Guns traveled to the Forsyth on April 22 and 23, to compete in the Jr Blast. They won in every event and placed first in most events. The team overall had a solid weekend.
In the Main Event competition, the following placed: Brendan Riggins and Miles Hendrix tied for first in HOA and Brendan won the HOA award in a shoot off. Morgan Rae Walker placed 1st in the Rookie Lady and Rookie Individual divisions. Brendan Riggins placed 1st in the Jr Varsity Division. The Jr Varsity Team consisting of Brendan Riggins, Bo Bates and Walker Spivey placed 2nd among all other Jr Varsity teams. Miles Hendrix placed 1st and Bradlan McDonald placed 3rd in the Varsity Division. The Varsity Team consisting of Christopher Driggers, Miles Hendrix and Bradlan Mc-Donald placed 1st among all other Varsity teams. Cheyenne Anderson placed 1st in Collegiate Individual and Collegiate Lady divisions.
In the 5 Stand competition, the following placed: Morgan Rae Walker placed 1st, Cash Platt placed 2nd and Leah Yawn placed 3rd in the Rookie Division. Morgan Rae Walker placed 1st and Leah Yawn placed 2nd in the Rookie Lady Division. Brendan Riggins placed 1st in the Jr Varsity Division. Lily Cauley placed 1st in the Jr Varsity Lady Division. Miles Hendrix placed 3rd in the Varsity Division. Landon DeLoach placed 1st and Cheyenne Anderson placed 2nd in the Collegiate Division. Cheyenne Anderson placed 1st in the Collegiate Lady Division.
In the Super Sporting Competition, the following placed: Morgan Rae Walker placed 2nd in the Rookie Individual Division. Morgan Rae Walker placed 1st and Leah Yawn placed 2nd in the Rookie Lady Division. Lily Cauley placed 1st in the Jr Varsity Lady Division. Bradlan McDonald placed 1st and Miles Hendrix placed 3rd in the Varsity Division. Landon DeLoach placed 1st and Cheyenne Anderson placed 2nd in the Collegiate Division. Cheyenne Anderson placed 1st in the Collegiate Lady Division.
Bradlan McDonald also won the Make a Break competition against all other competition contestants.