Dual Enrollment Sweeping The Area

Courtesy of Southeastern Technical College
Southeastern Technical College (STC) had 531 Dual Enrollment students receive recognition this year for earning college credit while in high school.
Dual Enrollment allows high school students to take college courses to earn both high school and college credits. This program introduces students to college-level coursework and helps them learn what it takes to be successful in college. Dual Enrollment helps students adjust to different aspects of college, often builds confidence, and encourages the students who need to be thinking about furthering their education. Students are able to take classes that are not offered on their high school campuses. Most Dual Enrollment courses are held on a Southeastern Technical College campus, while some are on a student’s high school campus. Some classes are online.
Offered to 10th-12th graders, Dual Enrollment allows students to save time and money towards a future degree. “High school students who experience college-level courses are more prepared for college and more likely to attain a college degree,” reports the Department of Education's What Works Clearinghouse.
Seniors who completed a Technical Certificate of Credit or 12 or more credit hours with a “C” or higher during high school received a Southeastern Technical College Dual Enrollment Medallion. In addition to a medallion, each student who earned 30 credit hours with a “C” or higher was awarded a Technical College System of Georgia honor cord.
Combined, these area high school seniors completed nearly 8,000 credit hours. That is nearly 3,200 classes completed while in high school and over $1,812,000 saved in tuition, fees, and books. Among these seniors were 2 students from Appling County High School, 1 student from Claxton High School, 19 students from Coastal Plains Charter High School, 12 students from David Emanuel Academy, 2 students from East Laurens High School, 4 home school students, 2 students from Jeff Davis High School, 30 students from Jenkins County High School, 15 students from Johnson County High School, 70 students from Metter High School and Metter Career Academy, 12 students from Montgomery County High School, 16 students from Robert Toombs Christian Academy, 16 students from Swainsboro High School, 100 students from Tattnall County High School, 71 students from Toombs County High School, 27 students from Treutlen County High School, 11 students from Vidalia Heritage Academy, 85 students from Vidalia High School, and 8 students from Wheeler County High School.
“That is a WIN in my book for the students and the parents,” remarked Southeastern Technical College High School Initiatives Coordinator Melissa Rowell.
Southeastern Technical College offers 20 college-level classes, transferable to any University System of Georgia college or university. Students also have the opportunity to get a jump start on a career by taking occupational courses in a program area of their interest.
To explore Dual Enrollment, visit www.southeasterntech. edu, call (912) 538-3100 or (478) 2892200, or contact your high school counselor.