continued from page how could ….
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how could any English teacher find fault with that heart-warming tune of yesteryear.
You remember the lyrics to a song that was sung by many artists, chief among them, Frank Sinatra.
“Ain’t she sweet? See her walking down the street, “Yes I ask you very confidentially, ain’t she sweet?
“Ain’t she nice? Look her over, once or twice, ain’t she nice?
“Just cast an eye in her direction, oh me oh my, ain’t that perfection?
“Oh I repeat, well, don’t you think that’s kinda neat?
“Yes I ask you very confidentially, ain’t she sweet?”
When I hear those stimulating lyrics, which date back to the Roarin’ Twenties, in my mind’s eye, I can see William Holden and Kim Novak dancing in the movie, “Picnic.”
Among the many who recorded “Ain’t she sweet?” were Eddie Cantor, Tommy Dorsey, Sammy Kaye, Guy Lombardo, Ferlin Huskey and the Beatles.
The very title, flawed grammar or not, makes you feel good. Makes you want to slow dance. Fall in love. Go on a hayride. Organize a picnic and see Kim Novak in her prime come slinking down a flight of steps and cause everybody to snap their heads in her direction.
At that point, you become an aficionado of the word ain’t.
“Ain’t she sweet? Oh, yes.
Yes to English as the official language
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