Sweet Onion Golf Authority Gives Update on Course

During its regular monthly meeting on Tues- day, May 30, the Sweet Onion Golf Authority provided updates on the construction of the Warmouth Sands Golf Course on Ezra Taylor Road.
According to Authority Chairman Andy Woodruff, construction on the golf course has been halted by the need for a survey and delineation of wetlands by state officials at the course site. At the time of the meeting, surveyors had progressed to assessing the run of the creek on the site and were expected to complete the entire study within two weeks. The delineation is also nearing its finish, Woodruff said, as the process was previously delayed by wet ground. Once these studies are completed, construction of the course will accelerate.
Architect and overseer for the construction Mike Young explained that the project is “slow trafficking” and is focused on working in and around the course’s man-made lake. Young emphasized that upon the completion of the survey and delineation, permits may be obtained for further work on the course.
In the meantime, infrastructure projects are being completed, such as the installation of a pump station by Altamaha EMC, which is expected to occur in the next two weeks. Wet well pipe and other irrigation supplies are also beginning to arrive onsite for the project.
Engineering/ Contractors The Authority shared that it had diminished the cost of engineering consul- tation from over $38,000 to $19,000 by changing its selected firm from Hofstadter & Associates of Macon to ESG of Vidalia. “We were working with Hofstadtler and they just weren’t working how we would like, so we switched to ESG and have been very happy with our decision,” Woodruff remarked.
Currently, ESG is working to prepare an erosion control plan for the course; the timeline of completion of this plan is contingent on the completion of the delineation.
Contractor Proposals for the design and construction of the course’s clubhouse were due by noon on Friday, June 2, and the group will now begin to review the submitted proposals to determine which contractor will undertake the work. The group noted that at least one local business had submitted a proposal for this project.
Membership and Fundraising Currently, the Authority is comparing rates of other golf courses across the state to determine membership fees at Warmouth Sands. Also, Authority members are working to set the price of hole sponsorships, which will be sold for three-year increments.
What’s Next?
The Authority reported that the official website for Warmouth Sands is under construction and should be up and running in the near future. This will provide a platform for selling and shipping Warmouth Sands items.
An official address will be established for the Course, as it currently utilizes the same address as the Vidalia Regional Sports Complex. A post office box will also be obtained for the Course.
Authority members will look into the possibility of outsourcing food options for the driving range area, which is similar in design to the TopGolf sporting attraction. Currently, two local companies are being contacted regarding this amenity.