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with my biological father,” my husband said after we left the island. “I’m learning a lot about him, and I really enjoyed the visit, but I’m still full from all of the food we’ve eaten.”
“Me, too,” I replied. We spent Saturday with my mother in Ohoopee. After running a quick errand in the morning, Mom got busy in the kitchen and cooked country fried steak with onions and gravy, creamed potatoes, cabbage, and rutabagas — another meal that translated her love for us. She cooked and hummed a song by The Mavericks as Gene and I salivated in another room. Again, we ate too much, but it was dropdead delicious. Neither my husband nor I could stop. Mom nurtured our bodies and souls with that meal! Amen!
“We are going on a diet tomorrow,” I announced. “We’ve eaten so much this week. From Texas to Florida to Georgia, it’s been a big week, and I think I’ve gained five pounds.”
“Food is love,” my husband said and grinned.
And boy did we feel loved this week.
Yes to English as the official language
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