Toombs County 4-Hers Attend Annual State 4-H Council

Hundreds of 4-H youth from across Georgia converged at Rock Eagle 4-H Center for the annual Georgia State 4-H Council held June 23-25, 2023. State Council is the constitutional meeting of the Georgia 4-H Organization. This year’s theme was “The Greatest 4-H Show of All” as 4-H members celebrated the life skills gained through 4-H, including leadership and citizenship opportunities.
While attending State 4-H Council, delegates elected the 2023-2024 Georgia 4-H State Officers and attended community service workshops and educational programs, and participated in a citizenship ceremony, studied ideas and issues, attended dances and exchanged ideas with new friends. The weekend attendees participated in the annual Iron Clover competition representing the Southeast District.
One of the most impressive events on the program was the citizenship ceremony for new voters. The ceremony honored delegates who have reached 18 years of age and are eligible to vote in all elections. Kingston Ryals served as reader for the ceremony.
Toombs County was represented by 14 4-H’ers. Local delegates to the annual meeting were Alexa Acosta, Brittney Bryant, Daniel Cerrillo, Tami Gonzalez, Adam Copeland, Giana Hamlin. Grace Holt, Bailey Hutchins, Gregory Huston, Riya Patel, Kingston Ryals, Tiera Shaw, Brantley Grace Smith and Auston Thompson.
At the event, Kingston Ryals represented Toombs County as a member of the Southeast District Senior 4-H Board of Directors. Grace Holt finished her term as a state officer. Brittney Bryant was elected to serve on the 20232024 Senior State Board of Directors as State Vice President.
Toombs County 4-H Educator Riley Wimberley and Toombs County AmeriCorps Member Carol Hester accompanied the group. They joined over 550 other 4-H’ers and leaders representing almost every county in the state.
Georgia 4-H empowers youth to become true leaders by developing necessary life skills, positive relationships and community awareness. As the largest youth leadership organization in the state, 4-H reaches more than 175,000 people annually through the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension offices and 4-H facilities. The local program is coordinated by Cheryl Poppell. For more information, visit or contact the Toombs County Extension office at 912-5263101.
Grace Holt served on the 2022-23 Georgia 4-H State Board of Directors as Southeast District Representative.