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Wheeler County School System Dress Code for School Year 2023-2024

The Wheeler County School System acknowledges that a correlation exists between good grooming, personal a(ire, and student achievement.

The WCSS dress code is designed for student comfort while maintaining an environment conducive to learning and appropriate for the educational se(ing. (e WCSS dress code applies to any school function, whether on campus or away. School administrators’ decisions regarding dress code matters will be final.


• Pants must be jeans, khaki/chino style, or dress pants. Shorts must be of the same material and at least fingertip length.

(Pants can have a pa(ern, just cannot be knit material.)

• Dresses and skirts must be at the knee or longer.

• Shirts must have a collar or crew neck (polo, bu(on-down, turtleneck, or t-shirt style).

• Pants/shorts/skirts must be secured around the natural waistline with a belt if necessary.

• All clothing items must be properly fastened

(shoes, belts, etc.). Graphics are allowed as long as not offensive in nature (see below).

NOT Allowed:

• No holes or shred ding of any kind in jeans, pants, shorts, or skirts.

(Unfinished hems are allowed).

• No knit pants of any kind (leggings, gym shorts, sweatpants, joggers, or athletic pants) in grades 3-12.

• No clothing with of fensive symbols or phrases (including but certainly not limited to gang-related symbols or phrases and graphics displaying tobacco, alcohol, or drugrelated advertisements, illustrations, or phrases).

• No caps, do-rags or sunglasses inside the building.

• No headware, ban –

danas, headscarves, or dog chains.

• No body piercing of any kind (Earrings are allowed.).

• No pajamas.

• No bedroom shoes • No blankets.

Students who have violated the dress code will be allowed to call home for someone to bring appropriate clothing to school or for permission to go home to change into appropriate clothing.

Any student refusing to change into appropriate clothing may be placed in in-school suspension for the remainder of the day. Repeated violations may result in more severe discipline. Final approval of any questionable dress and enforcement of this code is left to the DISCRETION OF THE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION. Any student who does not comply with these guidelines must be referred by school employees to the school administration.

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