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Of course, Trump doesn’t like getting indicted more than anyone else. His denunciations of “these vicious Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Democrats,” “THESE LUNATICS AND THUGS” who are out to get him are wholly sincere. But without the vicious Communists et al., he might well be 10 points lower in the polls, and anything that makes the primary race look more competitive is bad for him.
The legal handiwork of the “LUNATICS AND THUGS” is one of the former president’s most valuable political assets.
Trump and his enemies may despise one other, but they are working toward the same immediate outcome, i.e., a highstakes, hate-filled, Third World-ish Trump-Biden rematch with the possibility of jail for one of the contenders if he loses and intense prosecutorial scrutiny for the other if he comes up short.
And everything so far indicates that they’re going to get it.
Rich Lowry is editor of the National Review.
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