Your Mind - ONLINE

Your Mind
Got a complaint? Got a compliment? Call Your Mind On Line at 537-6397 and let us know what’s on your mind. Quotes are printed exactly as they are called in and are not necessarily factual, but rather, callers’ opinions. Libelous, slanderous, personal attacks, and unfounded accusatory or lengthy comments will not be printed. Two calls per week per caller, and calls should not exceed 30 seconds, please.
“I would like to thank Bob Webster and his crew for taking care of this old lady after my car broke down out of town last Friday. And thanks to Cooper Towing for bringing me home.”
“I think you should be able to get a grant for something as needy as a homeless shelter. It would also cut down on crime. And too, there should be a curfew in place after a certain hour. These things are much needed and are long overdue.”
“I would like to know why Subway keeps advertising discounts for sandwiches, and when you go there they say they don’t take them. Got a new one out this week. Inquiring minds want to know.”
“Isn’t it a coincidence? We have a presidential election coming up and we now have COVID coming back. So are we going to have to be forced to wear masks and be locked down and vote by mail-in ballot again?”
“Well, I guess Georgia Power got a rate increase. I see they have moved Sumter Utilities in on the Hugh Taylor Rd. moving the power lines back where they paved the road. But they are about 6 months behind REA. Thank you, Georgia Power for finally coming to work.”
“I’m a concerned elderly citizen. We citizens are concerned about Huddle House. We eat there regularly because of the discounts. Recently they put out a paper with discounts, and when you take it up there, they won’t accept them. The new one goes to 8/28/23 and when you take it up there, you can’t use it. We want to know, is this false advertisement?”
“Would someone please try to cut the grass along the curb in front of the VoTech school? The school keeps their lawn cut and beautiful. But that looks terrible the way the grass is growing out almost to the street. It’s been like that the whole summer. Whoever is responsible for it needs to take care of it.”