Architect-Engineer Chosen for Eastside Park Project in Alamo

In a called session on August 17, the Alamo City Council selected a project architect-engineer for the further development of historic Eastside Park. The civil engineering firm of M.E. Sack in Hinesville was chosen from five companies that submitted bids for the $2 million project.
Sack submitted a proposal for 9.5% ($190,000) of the project cost for engineering and design work, as well as construction of several amenities at the park. The ongoing work at the Eastside Park will be funded with state community upgrade funds allocated on May 18 by Governor Brian Kemp. The $2 million grant was part of a $225 million grant package awarded to 142 qualified projects across the state for improving neighborhood assets like parks, recreation facilities, sidewalks, and healthy food access in communities disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, the grant will go toward further upgrades at Eastside Park including providing sidewalks between the park and the nearby Wheeler County School , a shelter over the basketball court, an outdoor amphitheater, a football field with bleachers which will become the home of a new Youth League, fencing around the park, and additional parking.
Eastside Park has already benefitted from a previous grant through the state Department of Natural Resources which provided a recently-completed splash pad, picnic pavilions with grills, parking, and a refurbished basketball court.
In a regular session on Monday, August 14, the City Council approved a contract for $50,000 with the Heart of Georgia Altamaha Regional Commission to administer the latest grant for Eastside Park.
During the August 14 meeting, the City also adopted a franchise agreement with Glenwood Telephone Company to provide broadband services in the city, and adopted a franchise agreement with Progressive Rural Telephone Company to formalize existing services within the city limits.
The City tabled a discussion on the leasing of city-owned property for the purpose of establishing a new hardware store pending negotiations with the potential lease holder. The City also approved a request for holding a second annual homecoming and tailgating event at Eastside Park on September 24.