Four Rivers Chapter Holds monthly meeting

The Four Rivers Chapter Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution held its monthly meeting on Thursday, August 17, 2023, at 6:00, at Chatters Restaurant in Lyons. With President George King presiding, there were 14 in attendance. After the invocation, Pledge to the U.S. Flag and the Pledge to the SAR, President George King called on Dual Member Dess Smith III to introduce the speaker for the evening, Larry Stephens of Savannah, to present his program on 'The Hornets' Nest, Wilkes County – 1700's.'
Mr. Stephens talked about the difficulties of moving to the area between the Broad River, Savannah River and the Oconee River during the 1700's. Not only did they have to make do with what was available to them in the wild, but they had to defend themselves against the Creek and Cherokee Indians.
President George then called on Chaplain and Dual Member Emory Fennell to lead the members in the SAR Recessional and benediction.