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Georgia State Retirees Association to Hold Meeting in Lyons

The public is invited to attend a community outreach meeting hosted by the Savannah Coastal Chapter of the Georgia State Retirees Association in Lyons on Thursday, September 7. The meeting will be held at Chatters Country Buffet Restaurant, 674 NW Broad St., Lyons. A buffet lunch will be provided.

Attendees will learn about the Georgia State Retirees’ Association (GRSA) and how it is working for them. Chapter President, Allan Hill, and retirees Laura Ryan and Lorr Elias will follow with a question and answer session. Members of the public may ask questions at the event, or send questions in advance to savannahgsra@ Why is the GSRA conducting this meeting?

The urgent need to increase GSRA membership in every county. GSRA is the only organization working on behalf of state employees and retirees to advocate for pensions and healthcare benefits.

• To provide an over view and update of threats to state pensions and COLAS (cost-of-living adjustments).

• To stress the impor tance of all retirees and current state employees in being involved.

• To demonstrate how every state employee and retiree can help to preserve retirement pension and health care benefits.

• To outline steps that the organization is taking to encourage state legislators to reinstate onceroutine, semi-annual 1.5% COLAS and preserve affordable health care benefits.

Annual membership in the GRSA is $20. Members receive a monthly newsletter and action alerts. Annual membership mail-in forms will be provided at the meeting. State retirees are asked to bring their pension ID number if they wish to set up automatic $1.67 monthly pension withdrawals for memberships.

For more information about GSRA or to join online: or call 770-312-2799.

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