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RTCA Crusaders Hold Start to Finish Reveal

Courtesy of RTCA

Robert Toombs Christian Academy continued a new tradition called 'Crusaders Start to Finish Reveal' on Wednesday, September 6. Each Senior is partnered with a Kindergarten student as a mentor and friend to enjoy the entire school year with.

On Wednesday, the Seniors held their big reveal and hid behind boxes decorated with a few of their Little Crusader's favorite things. The Seniors and Kindergartners also exchanged gifts that included their favorite candy, favorite toy, a t-shirt, a stuffed animal, etc. Seniors then joined their littles for Chapel and will continue to hang out with their Little Crusaders throughout the year. Some of the fun activities they get to do together are ice cream surprises, playing on the playground, reading to the class, sitting with them at All School Chapel, Christmas gift swap, and all of the graduation festivities towards the end of the year and so much more.

This is a fun tradition RTCA started last year and they said that they cannot wait to see all of the fun and exciting things they do together throughout the year.

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