United Way Opens Campaign With Record Numbers

United Way of Toombs, Montgomery, and Wheeler Counties may have only recently begun its official campaign kickoff, but is already at a record-setting 70% of the $475,007 goal.
This year’s campaign, which will run through mid-November, is focused around a Hawaiian theme, as Campaign Chair Natasha Goss and Co-Chair Angela Lane remind everyone of the tie that binds the community. “Ohana means family, and family means no one left behind,” Lane emphasized.
The kickoff, held on Thursday, September 21, featured testimonies from several individuals, such as Avery Thompson, who received rental assistance while hospitalized, and Lacey Dykes, who received care and support from The Refuge Domestic Violence Shelter when leaving an abusive relationship. Angel Gabriel Zamorano, a young boy with both Down Syndrome and a genetic mutation rendering him unable to
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move, and his family also spoke to the group about the ramp which was built to allow his family to transport him more easily to doctor appointments. These individuals all highlighted the work which agencies funded by the local United Way do, and thanked the public for their contribution to make this work possible.
United Way of Toombs, Montgomery, and Wheeler Counties supports almost 20 agencies, including but not limited to The Forge, Paul Anderson Youth Home, The Refuge, and more. “Ninety-nine cents of every dollar we raise locally stays right here in Toombs, Montgomery, and Wheeler counties,” Goss commented. “Every penny counts that is raised during this campaign. So many lives are touched right here at home.”
United Way of Toombs, Montgomery, and Wheeler Counties Executive Director Patricia Dixon emphasized, “If you sat at my desk and got to see what I see, and see how lives are changed because of you, you would never think of United Way the same. Just like the people who came up [to speak] today, without you, they would not be where they are.”
She added, “I want you to think and be proud of all that you’ve done. You have been the hands and feet of Jesus – and I know He is pleased with you because you care. Thank you for caring for our community.”
Dixon encouraged the community to help her by notifying her of needs within the community that she may not know about. “If I don’t know that there’s a need, we can’t help,” she said. “And a lot of times if there is a need that doesn’t come under the umbrella of United Way, I will step out and try to find some help somewhere else.”
At the conclusion of this year’s campaign, a committee will review the applications from agencies wishing to receive funding through United Way. This committee will determine who receives funding and how much is given.
For information on the local United Way, or to donate to this year’s campaign, contact Patricia Dixon at (912) 537-2776.