Take time to look in the red back hymnal and you will find a song entitled, “ The Love of God.” The words to the last stanza of that song was penciled on the wall of a narrow room of an insane asylum as they were once called way back. According to the history of this song the man that wrote these words was said to be demented, but when he penciled the lyrics to this beautiful song he was not deranged, demented nor crazy. He wrote from his heart under the anointing of almighty God. The last verse he wrote says, “Could we with ink the ocean fill and were the skies of parchment made, were every stalk on earth a quill and every man a scribe by trade; to write the love of God above would drain the ocean dry, nor could the scroll contain the whole tho stretched from sky to sky!” Then the chorus which someone else wrote says, “Oh love of God how rich and pure, how measureless and strong, it shall forever more endure, the saints and angels song!” You see God works through all and His love flows through all, in all and for all. He works through all that will let Him. Through the physically and mentally handicapped. The paraplegic, those with cerebral palsy, the autistic, the mentally retarded or challenged, sinners and saints, young and old. How wonderful are His mighty marvelous works! Can you say amen?