Your Mind - ONLINE

Your Mind
Got a complaint? Got a compliment? Call Your Mind On Line at 537-6397 and let us know what’s on your mind. Quotes are printed exactly as they are called in and are not necessarily factual, but rather, callers’ opinions. Libelous, slanderous, personal attacks, and unfounded accusatory or lengthy comments will not be printed. Two calls per week per caller, and calls should not exceed 30 seconds, please.
“We know the nation is tanking when politicians run, not on the pressing issues facing the nation, but on the amount of money they have accumulated for their campaigns. The media is gushing that Biden now has $71 million, in case you are interested.”
“Wednesday the price of a gallon of gas dropped below three dollars. Yay! Governor Kemp would make a great President. Go back to bed, Joe.”
“If the liberal news media would report on “criminal involved shootings” of innocent people and officers, instead of “officer involved shootings,” they wouldn’t have enough broadcast time in the day to report them all. We should all recognize that the liberal media prefer to dishonor law enforcers and to support law breakers.”
“All republicans, democrats, or independents, we need to stand for Israel. It is time to open our eyes that the Biden administration should not send any more money to Iran. They are behind this horrific attack. Also, Biden should close the border and send all the illegals back to where they came from because they will attack us. We need to pray for this nation.”
“I just passed through Madison, GA, today and I bought gas for $2.71/gallon and about a mile down the road it was $2.59/gallon. Vidalia, what’s your problem other than greed?”
“Vidalia High School plays the crappiest pregame football music in the whole state.”
“The decapitation of infants by Hamas has been described by American democrats as a desperate act of self defense. I have no experience in this, but in my imagination, if you’re being attacked by 1-year-old babies, you have the right to chop their heads off in self defense.”
“Killing babies? I can’t even wrap my head around that. But if you’re ok with murdering your own unborn children, it’s not that far a stretch to butcher somebody else’s, is it?”
“Gas is cheaper in all the surrounding towns than it is in Vidalia. Folks, buy your gas somewhere else besides here.”
“Well, I guess we know now that the Toombs County Bulldogs ain’t the GA bulldogs because Pierce County beat them last night. Oh, what a revelation.”
“I know Hamas is evil. What they did was very evil. Hamas with an H, what Hitler did with an H was evil. The Jews for 2000 years have been killed, but if you go to the Bible, they told the Roman governor Pilate that his blood would be on his children’s children’s chilren. And that’s what’s happening.”