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of those learning at Harvard today can identify with these words from the earliest days of their university?
I don’t know the exact number, but I think if we guess zero, we’ll be close to the truth.
America was founded and built by Christians who sought truth and worked to make a better world.
Were there flaws, mistakes? Of course. They were men. But the way to improve is to get closer to the truth, not to throw it in the trash.
Those administering, teaching and learning at Harvard and our other leading universities are not consumed by scholarship and truth-seeking, but by ideology.
Ideology is strikingly similar to another word: idol. Something man builds for himself and worships.
It is the product of egotism and pride and not the product of humility, which comes only from knowing there is a truth bigger than you, of which you are part.
Claudine Gay condemned hate and said her university is about bringing people with differences together.
This is a university president who does not see “veritas,” truth, and good and evil in the world, as embodied and conveyed in the message on her university seal and its history.
The job of universities is to pursue truth. But this is impossible when they do not believe truth exists. Thinking that the point is bringing together people rather than pursuing truth is an exercise in ideology, not scholarship, and leads only to the social, cultural and spiritual degeneration we are experiencing.
If we want to save our country, let’s save our places of learning. Let’s purge the sea of ethnic, political and ideological clubs that dominate social and intellectual life at what are supposed to be our institutions of learning.
The terrorists are financed by the sale of oil. That oil was found, developed and is worth megabillions because of Western technology. A disproportionate contribution to the development of that science and technology has come from the very people whose homeland is Israel, against whom the terrorists commit atrocities.
The United States grew and became great with the values that brought forth the miracle that is the modern State of Israel.
The moral relativism and hedonism of America’s left is now obliterating these truths.
A new birth of freedom in America means a new birth of truth and learning at our universities.
Star Parker is president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education and host of the weekly television show “Cure America with Star Parker.” Her recent book, “What Is the CURE for America?” is available now. To find out more about Star Parker and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators. com. COPYRIGHT 2023 CREATORS. COM
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