Over the last week, one conservative Republican rose up, and one conservative Republican stepped down. Former Vice President Mike Pence, a consistent and unwavering Christian and constitutional conservative, announced the termination of his presidential campaign, saying, “It’s become clear to me; this is not my time.”
A few days earlier, another consistent and deeply rooted Christian and constitutional conservative, Rep. Mike Johnson, R-La., emerged from seemingly hopeless and interminable Republican chaos, to be chosen, on one decisive ballot, as the new House speaker.
Regarding the former vice president, The Wall Street Journal summed it up well. He would be “a good president,” their editorial board said, but “MAGA voters wouldn’t forgive him” for not cooperating to overturn the 2020 election and “anti-Trump voters wouldn’t forgive his four years as Mr. Trump’s loyal number two.”
About Johnson, some say Democrats are celebrating, convinced that his Christian conservatism will drive voters into their camp.
But it well could be exactly the opposite. These days are not “business as usual” days.
The horrors committed by Hamas terrorists against Israeli civilians has shocked and appalled decent Americans. Suddenly, we are reminded that indeed there is good and evil.
Decent Americans recognize conflict. But we see this is not conflict. This is depravity.
There has always been rhetoric about the bond between our country and Israel. Usually this is framed as Israel being the continued from page
only democracy in the Middle East.
But we see now it is much more.
Both Israel and America go to war when there is no other option. American soldiers and Israeli soldiers fight and kill enemy soldiers because all other options have failed. But Americans and Israelis do not celebrate death and do not take joy in killing.
And for sure, American soldiers and Israeli soldiers do not commit atrocities.
Perhaps most shocking and appalling for decent Americans nationwide — beyond the reports of rape, desecration of bodies, beheadings — is to see students at our elite universities supporting this depravity and accusing the Israeli victims to be the cause.
We are further appalled at the reticence of the administrations at these elite universities to condemn these activities.
Only now is the president of Harvard speaking out against antisemitism after initial woke-framed remarks about free speech and bringing all sides together.
The encouraging news is alumni at these schools are reacting and pulling their funds.
In a recent Pew Research survey, 9% of Americans ages 18-29 agreed that “U.S. stands above all other countries in the world” and 43% agreed that “Other countries are better than the U.S.”
The generation leading our future, raised in a culture of meaninglessness and materialism, now hates its own country, founded and built on the very values it rejects.
So now we have a major wake-up call in front of us.
For those who think restoring awareness about good and evil is not a viable political platform, we have history to prove otherwise.
“But we must never forget that no government schemes are going to perfect man. … There is sin and evil in the world, and we’re enjoined by Scripture and the Lord Jesus to oppose it with all our might.”
President Ronald Reagan spoke these words in March 1983 in the speech in which he called the Soviet Union an “evil empire.”
Fifty-two American hostages were held prisoner in Iran for 444 days during the Presidency of Jimmy Carter. They were released days after Reagan captured the presidency from Carter and took office in January 1981.
Then the Soviet Union collapsed and the Berlin Wall was torn down as a result of Reagan’s leadership.
Reagan was reelected president in 1984, winning 49 of 50 states. Something we can hardly imagine today.
Truth, and the courage to stand by it, works. Our nation badly needs it today.
Star Parker is president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education and host of the weekly television show “Cure America with Star Parker.” Her recent book, “What Is the CURE for America?” is available now. To find out more about Star Parker and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators. com. COPYRIGHT 2023 CREATORS. COM
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