Lyons Primary Students Recognized at BOE Meeting

Courtesy of Toombs County Schools
At the regular monthly meeting of the Toombs County Board of Education on Thursday, November 9, the Board recognized several Lyons Primary School students for their outstanding academic performance in the iReady program.
Each month, the Board allows one school within the district to deliver a presentation on the happenings within their school – such as details about their extracurricular activities, curriculum, or student achievement. This month, Lyons Primary School spoke to the Board on their goal to improve the school throughout the year by focusing deeply on learning to discover which curriculum and methods the students best respond to.
Teachers Deidre Braddock and Ashlen Fowler assisted Instructional Coach Amanda Hudson to discuss this focus, and highlighted the work that students are completing on iReady, which is a standards-based diagnostic and instructional tool for math and reading that allows teachers to identify students progress and performance throughout the year. While explaining this curriculum asset, the group recognized several students for their outstanding performance on iReady. Those students included Weston Williams, Cason Johnson, Karla McKinney, Cooper Hattaway, Kenleigh Bowen, and Jubilee Clark.
Also during this time, Olivia Milligan was recognized for winning the Real Squeal Writing Contest for grades Kindergarten through 2nd. This contest was held during September and October, and Milligan was announced as the winner during the annual Real Squeal Festival.
L to R: Principal Tracy Mulkey, Karla McKinney, Instructional Coach Amanda Hudson.
L to R: Principal Tracy Mulkey, Cooper Hattaway, Instructional Coach Amanda Hudson.
L to R: Principal Tracy Mulkey, Olivia Milligan, Instructional Coach Amanda Hudson.
L to R: Principal Tracy Mulkey, Weston Williams, Instructional Coach Amanda Hudson.
L to R: Principal Tracy Mulkey, Jubilee Clark.
L to R: Principal Tracy Mulkey, Kenleigh Bowen, Instructional Coach Amanda Hudson.