Your Mind - ONLINE

Your Mind
Got a complaint? Got a compliment? Call Your Mind On Line at 537-6397 and let us know what’s on your mind. Quotes are printed exactly as they are called in and are not necessarily factual, but rather, callers’ opinions. Libelous, slanderous, personal attacks, and unfounded accusatory or lengthy comments will not be printed. Two calls per week per caller, and calls should not exceed 30 seconds, please.
“I don’t know who screwed up all the red lights in Vidalia, but I sure do wish they’d come back and unscrew them.”
“In response to the comment last week about Donald Trump being the one who can fix things in our country, I totally agree, and we cannot leave evil democrats in charge or we will no longer be a country.”
“There should be a rule in the Georgia High School Football Association that before you can be a radio announcer of high school games, you must be a high school football official for at least 5 years.”
“I think it’s a crying shame that a man lost his job because he was trying to teach the children a little bit about God, and that one woman that doesn’t believe in God got him fired. It’s a shame that the Reidsville Board of Education and the city don’t back this man and get his job back. We need more Godly people in this world now.”
“I can’t believe
that they fired the football coach for doing something so Godly to help the children. We need parents like that that will help the children. They let a woman who doesn’t believe in God get him fired. That’s how prayer got taken out of school. They’re going to sit back and let that happen again. He does not need to be fired.”
“On the day this paper comes out, November 22, 2023, it will be 60 years since John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, TX. How has America went down or has it improved since then? Ask yourself a question: has it gotten better or has it gotten worse? Is any of this getting worse or getting better correlated back to John F. Kennedy?”
“Inquiring minds would like to know who’s paying for all the cars’ alignments that have to travel up and down Durden St., especially on the corner of Third and Durden there are very big holes.” “ I read today in Your Mind on Line where someone wrote about the judge accused of misdeeds. If it had been you or me, they would have thrown the book of justice at us. If we had done what Donald Trump has done and is doing, we would be in prison for life. Also, if I get to the place called heaven and be told there are democrats there, would I be willing to go to the other place they call hell?”
“There will be wars and rumors of wars.”
“To the person who thinks that Donald Trump is right for America, I think that you would think that Hitler if he was living would be the right person for America. Hussein was in love with America. You would probably think that satan created the universe. It’s ok for you to be ignorant, but please don’t try to persuade others to follow. Have a blessed day.”
“No wonder Chinese Xi was smiling the other day with Biden. He knows before long he’s going to conquer this country and be running it. That’s why he’s smiling. Our national debt is almost $34 trillion. Think about that.
“If a front runner in an election loses because of false prosecution, we will never have a real choice of opponents in elections again. We cannot allow politicians to bury their opponents.”
“Georgia has $5 billion in rainy day funds and another $11 million in undesignated surplus. So many Georgians live on a small social security check. These folks are at their wit’s end. They can’t seem to make ends meet. Don’t worry about the Ukrainians, Israel, or the folks invading from the south. Charity begins at home. We have surplus money, let’s use it wisely.”
“I opened our tax bill. What a surprise to see the homeowner tax relief that Gov. Kemp had enacted deducted from the total. Thank you, Gov. Kemp, for using that surplus to help out the homeowners in Georgia.”