Folks want to talk about the church being full of hypocrites. Well, have I got news for them. The world is full of blatant hypocrisy. Matt. 23:28. It makes me sick to my stomach. Some of it is an insult tosensiblefolks. Iknow cigarettes are harmful, but it makes you wonder where these folks heads are at. They put ads on television showing arms and legs in trash cans. Which of course they are dummy legs and arms, but they look very real. Anyway, they are trying to get the point across as to how bad cigarette smoking is and it is bad, but come onnow. Itdon’ttakea rocket scientist to know that alcohol kills more folks by far then cigarette smoking does. Alcohol breaks up millions of homes and leaves some children orphans. Most crimes are committed under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Murders and mayhem everywhere because of that deadly poison and noone is saying a word about it. Why? Because all the ones hollering about cigarettes are drinking alcohol like a fish. Hypocritesfromthe wordgitgo! Amen! More social problems and health problems are caused because of alcohol by far than withcigarettes. Ithinkit has just become a fad to beat uponcigarettes. Here’s what I say, “Quit being a bunch of hypocrites and go after alcohol with just as much vengeance as they are going after cigarettes!” Go after both of them! Can you say amen?