Toombs Connects Family & Education

Courtesy of Toombs County Schools
November is recognized as Family Engagement Month throughout the state of Georgia’s public schools system. Toombs County Schools have been taking this month to express appreciation to families and parents for engaging with schools to help educate the students to become successful citizens for our future.
In recent years, the Toombs County School System has seen a remarkable surge in parent engagement. This surge has not only invigorated the local community but has also demonstrated a profound positive impact on students' success.Toombs County Schools’ parents and staff know that parent engagement is more than just attending parentteacher conferences or school events. It encompasses a range of activities that parents and guardians undertake to support their children's educational journey. This involvement can include assisting with homework, volunteering at school events, participating in parent-teacher associations, and fostering a positive learning environment at home.
In recent years, Toombs County Schools have implemented several strategies to encourage parent involvement: parent workshops, digital communications, PTA/ PTO, parent support.
Parent Workshops: Toombs County School District has organized a series of parent workshops on topics such as effective communication, homework assistance, and understanding the curriculum. These workshops have empowered parents to better support their children's learning. Toombs County Schools have a district wide Family Engagement Team that meets three times a year to plan and communicate to steer our families and teachers in the same direction to help our children to become successful not only in school, but in life also. This team consists of parents, teachers, administrators, and community members that represent all our five schools.
Digital Communication: In today's digital age, Toombs County has embraced technology as a tool to engage parents. They've created online portals and apps where parents can monitor their child's progress, communicate with teachers, and access important information about school activities. The new and improved Toombs County Schools FREE app is easy to use and keeps families in constant contact with their children’s school activities and special events, grades, attendance, and any updates.
Parent-Teacher Associations/ Organizations: Active PTAs/PTOs in the district have organized fundraisers, family fun nights, and other events that bring parents and teachers together, creating a strong sense of community. Toombs County Schools have hosted many literacy and math nights, STEM nights, community resource nights. Open Houses are held at the beginning of each school year and our high school holds an Open House in January for parents to meet and greet with their children’s new teachers for the second semester of the school year.
Support for Parents: Toombs County School District provides resources and guidance for parents on how to navigate the educational system, making it easier for them to support their children's academic growth.
As parents have become more actively involved in their children's education, the Toombs County School System has witnessed enhanced academic performance and better school climate. Examples of recent awards earned by Toombs County Schools include: Title I Reward School, Literacy Leader, National BETA District of Distinction, Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, AP Honor School.
Toombs County School District's commitment to fostering family engagement has yielded remarkable results. The collaborative effort between schools and families is an essential element in nurturing well-rounded, accomplished individuals, and the benefits extend far beyond the classroom. Toombs County Schools will continue to bridge the gap between homes and schools for the benefit of our children.
INTERPRETER PROVIDED – Toombs County Schools Is working to help engage parents in their children’s educations, especially this month, which is Family Engagement Month. As a part of this effort, the school system is offering interpreters to help parents who may not speak English well to understand what their students are learning.
FAMILY ENGAGEMENT TEAM – Toombs County Schools has developed a team of professionals that are working to help boost families’ involvement with their students education. Front row, L to R: Janna Park, Melodie Walker, Reagan Benton, Ann Murphy, Terri Butler. Middle Row, L to R: Kristen Allen, Wendi Sikes, Dana Burton, Michelle Rhodes, Pamela Sears, Mandy Jones, Barry Waller. Back Row, L to R: Tabatha Nobles, Kimberly Bacon.