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Biden grants clemency to two Georgians imprisoned for drug offenses

President Joe Biden granted clemency Friday to two Georgians incarcerated on cocaine charges, part of a group of 11 Biden said are serving “unduly long” sentences for nonviolent drug offenses.

The two Georgians to be released early are Anthony Ewing of Union City and Darryl Allen Winkfield of Augusta.

Ewing was convicted of conspiracy to distribute cocaine and crack cocaine and sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Winkfield was convicted of possession of cocaine and crack cocaine with intent to distribute and three counts of distributing cocaine hydrochloride – a local anesthetic – and sentenced to a life term.

Biden commuted both sentences to expire on April, 20, 2024.

In a prepared statement, Biden said all 11 people receiving clemency would have been eligible for significantly lower sentences if they were charged with the same offenses today.

“I have exercised my clemency power more than any recent predecessor has at this point in their presidency,” he said. “And while today’s announcement marks important progress, my administration will continue to review clemency petitions and deliver reforms that advance equal justice, address racial disparities, strengthen public safety, and enhance the wellbeing of all Americans.”

Biden also issued a proclamation Friday pardoning those convicted of possession and use of marijuana under federal and District of Columbia law. He urged governors to do the same for those convicted of the same offenses under state law.

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