Alamo Mayor, Council Members Take Oaths of Office in First Session of New Year

Swearing in Council members and approving contracts for fire protection and signage for New City Hall were among items on the agenda for the Alamo City Council’s first meeting of 2024 on January 11. The session was rescheduled from its regular third Monday slot because of the upcoming Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday on January 15.
City Attorney Russell Clark administered the oath of office to Mayor Pam Lee, and Council members Dondrea Geter, Laura Brownley, and Steve Jones. The Council members and Mayor were unopposed in the November election. The Council approved a contract with Secure Georgia to provide fire protection devices and equipment which meet Georgia code for New City Hall and the adjoining Alamo Police Department headquarters. The protection will include audio and visual monitoring devices, as well as a horn strobe at an installation cost of $12,128.75. The company is already supplying surveillance equipment at the City’s Eastside Park. The new equipment will be paid for with SPLOST funding.
City Manager Jeff Floyd said New City Hall is ready for occupancy and moving in can begin next week. The Council discussed holding an open house at a later date.
The Council, which previously accepted a bid for waste disposal from Ryland Environmental , postponed approving a contract until some items in the agreement can be addressed. At its December 2023 session the Council voted to contract with Ryland for its sludge and household refuse disposal. The current contract with Republic Services is due to expire this month.
Signage for New City Hall was approved at a cost of $2,379.99. Dublin Sign Company will perform the installation.
A recommendation from the City Manager to install equipment at the City’s pumping station on Pearl Street was accepted. The Council approved a bid from Smith and Loveless to supply equipment at a cost of $73,800 and deferred a bid from Southeast Environmental at a cost of $45,000 pending soliciting additional bids. The City will need to supply a standby pump during the replacement process.
The Council also approved: employee raises based on a performance scale and retroactive to the first of the year, and renewing the contracts of CPA Chris Milton, Attorney Russell Clark, and Plenus Systems to provide IT services to the City. The first reading of the City’s new Business Ordinance was held. The City is raising insurance license tax fees from $15 to $40 based on census data.
The Council also discussed participating in a grant to purchase a new fire truck for the Alamo Fire Department. The $500,000 grant will fund the replacement of a 21-year-old fire truck and require a 5% ($25,000) contribution from the city. The Council decided to pursue the opportunity and explore options for writing the grant application.
The City Manager reported a problem with trash being dumped within the city limits and the Council discussed taking counter measures. City Police Chief Karen Zanders reported answering 186 calls during the month of December and collecting $433 in fines. The Alamo Fire Department answered six calls during December and 63 calls for the year of 2023. The department also installed digital radios in trucks and completed eight hours of training in November and December.
The City Council will hold its next session on February 18 at 6 p.m. at City Hall in Alamo.
MAYOR TAKES OATH — Alamo Mayor Pam Lee takes the oath of office being administered by City Attorney Russell Clark. Lee, who was unopposed in the November election, is serving her second term as Mayor.Photo by Deborah Clark