Lions Club Announces Peace Poster Winners

Courtesy of the Lyons Lions Club
The Lyons Lions Club has announced their local club winners for the annual Peace Poster contest, which inspires youth to continue to strive for world peace.
For over three decades, Lions clubs around the globe have been sponsoring the Peace Poster contest in schools and youth groups. Thanks to the efforts of cochairs Lions Chris Rustin and Linda Bishop, this is the second year that Lyons Lions Club has participated.
Lyons Lions Club sponsored two local contests offering the opportunity to participate in this international contest to local middle school students at Robert Toombs Christian Academy and Toombs County Middle School.
The theme for the 2023-2024 contest was 'Dare to Dream”, with four levels of competition; Local Club, District, Multi-District (Lions of Georgia) and International.
The Club said that creating peace posters gives students the chance to express their visions of peace and inspire the world through art and creativity.
Robert Toombs Christian Academy Student Anna Kate Joyner was the overall winner for her school, while Emmalee Milligan took home the second place prize in the school’s competition. At Toombs County Middle School, Rainie Mc-Bride was victorious in the contest, while Madison Schuchman earned 2nd place honors. Both Joyner and McBride’s posters were forwarded to 18-N District Governor Jim Mock for the District competition in which Joyner’s entry won 3rd place.