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A compilation of quotations on a variety of issues by national, state and regional writers, well-known personalities, just plain everyday people and from various publications collected by the editors of THE ADVANCE.

Quotes for our Times:

Mia Cathell, a reporter for Townhall focusing on fact-checking and investigative stories: Those behind the efforts to disqualify Trump have something in common.

All over America, party loyalists whose preferred candidate is President Joe Biden are engaging in lawfare to win at the ballot box by any means necessary. Some of the bad-faith actors spearheading the efforts to defeat former President Donald Trump — the GOP's far-and-away frontrunner — before Election Day even begins are beneficiaries of puppeteering philanthropist George Soros.

Rebecca Downs, Web Editor at Townhall. com: Ted Cruz has an idea on how SCOTUS could rule unanimously to keep Trump on the ballot.

The senator defended his prediction to a shocked Ferguson, explaining that he believes Chief Justice John Roberts 'is going to be deeply invested in wanting this to be unanimous, in not having the Supreme Court appear partisan.' Cruz added that 'every justice is going to be aware this is a decision that is going to be watched by the country, and watched by the world' and that 'every justice is aware of not wanting the Court to appear like a political or partisan body.'

Emphasizing Roberts' concerns, Cruz stressed that the chief justice cares deeply about 'the institutional legacy of the Court,' with he, but also the other justices believing such a decision would be 'best for the Court and best for the country.'

Robert Henneke, executive director and general counsel at the Texas Public Policy Foundation: Despite the spin, Americans know this truth about Bidenomics.

As my colleague Rafa Bejar noted recently, 'The most vocal leaders on the Left want Americans to believe that the country is still deeply racist. But this message gets very little traction among Texas Hispanics.'

Why? Because what’s important to them is what has always been important to American families: a strong economy, effective schools that teach real skills and knowledge, and the opportunity to make a better life for themselves.

That’s why the Biden administration’s claims about a booming economy feel – and are – hollow. Americans can see the reality – in their monthly budgets.

Byron York, chief political correspondent for The Washington Examiner: Trump co-defendant alleges Georgia prosecutor corruption.

One more thing. Various exhibits attached to the motion contain copies of invoices Wade sent to Willis' office. They list what Wade did during the hours for which he was requesting payment. Two entries are of particular interest. There is one billing note for 'Conf with White House Counsel' on May 23, 2022, and another for 'Interview with DC/White House' on Nov. 18, 2022. Given the intensely political nature of the Trump case, any evidence of Biden White House involvement will be of great interest.

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