Dr. Taylor Retires From Treutlen County Health and Rehabilitation

Treutlen County Health and Rehabilitation in Soperton hosted a retirement reception for Dr. Dennis Taylor, who is retiring after 25 years as Attending Physician and Medical Director. Friends, family, staff members and locals joined in wishing Dr. Taylor well on his future plans.
The doctor said, 'This is one of the best nursing home facilities in the state of Georgia because of the level of family oriented care they provide.' He commented that his service to Treutlen Health had been a great experience and he was sorry to have to leave, but he said, 'It's time for me to retire.' Dr. Taylor says his future plans include traveling with his wife, Jenny, and gardening at the couple's home in rural Dublin. Jane Martin, Administrator of Treutlen County Health and Rehabilitation said that Dr. Taylor would be missed. 'He has been an invaluable asset to our facility. Dr. Taylor is the kind of doctor that was always on call and there when we needed him and very dedicated to his work. He is very good to not only our patients, but their families and our staff. We have learned much from Dr. Taylor about health care and medicine as he was a pharmacist before he was a doctor.'
Administrator Dr. Albert 'Al' Warren of Dublin, who was partnered with Dr. Taylor will be the incoming primary physician for the facility.
DR. DENNIS TAYLOR RETIRES – Pictured at the retirement reception Sunday recognizing Dr. Dennis Taylor for his 25 years as Primary Physician and Medical Director of Treutlen County Health and Rehabilitation in Soperton are left to right, Pebbles Beck, Director of Nursing, wife Jenny Taylor, Dr. Taylor and Jane Martin, Administrator of Treutlen Health.
NEW PRIMARY PHYSICIAN – Doctor Albert, ‘Al’ Warren, who is partnered with Dr. Taylor, will assume the responsibilities of Primary Physician for Treutlen County Health and Rehabilitation in Soperton. Dr. Al is pictured with Director of Nursing Pebbles Beck, left, and Administrator Jane Martin, right.