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Spencer Fields. At 184, Grijalva fell in 25 seconds to William Parker, cutting the Barons lead to one. Charlie Henkel slowed the Bears’ momentum with a 1:27 pin over Elijah Hester. Brewton- Parker increased their lead to 19, with a set of forfeit wins at 285 and 125. Taylor found a 4-2 decision over Stanley Lal to add three more points to the Barons’ lead, securing a 37-15 win.

Cumberland Open

Brewton-Parker College Men’s Wrestling traveled to Lebanon, Tenn., to compete in the Cumberland Open hosted by Cumberland (Tenn.).

In the 141-pound division, Kullum Irvin started his day with a 9-6 decision over Obi Smith from Lindsey Wilson (Ky.), followed by a 17-2 tech fall over West Virginia Tech’s Corbyn Cunningham. Irvin dropped the third match to Alex Fernandez in a 4-1 decision and ended the day with a forfeit loss.

Conner Wright also took on the 141-pound weight class. Wright dropped the first match of the day to Jerry Molina from St. Thomas (Fla.), before picking up a 4:20 fall against Keegan Seaver. Wright ended the day taking a 15-5 major decision loss to Lane Wishart from St. Thomas.

Robert Keyhea competed in the 157-pound weight class. Keyhea dropped the first match of the day in a 1:22 fall to AuShaud Evans of Reinhardt (Ga.), then picked up a 33-second fall over Alabama’s Kaitlyn Gutierrez, before ending the day in a 22-6 tech fall loss to Zachery Lee from Life (Ga.).

In the 174-pound division, Jesus Grijalva started the day by dropping a match to Pete Eastin in a 2:36 fall. Grijalva picked up a 2:30 fall over West Virginia Tech’s Shannon Fray and a 5:29 fall over teammate Bryan Pagola, before giving up a forfeit to finish the day.

Malankov Daceus started the day in the 184-pound division, taking a 12-2 major decision loss to Cumberlands’ (Ky.) CJ Figueroa-Orduno. Daceus came back and picked up a 1:44 fall over Ernst Lavaud from Midway (Ky.) then took a forfeit win in the next round, before dropping in a 3:55 fall to Anthony Goelzer.

Charlie Henkel also took on the 184-pound weight class, dropping his first match in a 15-0 tech fall to Reinhardt’s Jonathon Paramore. Henkel bounced back to win the next four matches, three by fall and one by technical fall, before ending the day with a forfeit loss.

Wrestling in the 285-pound division, Levi Shaw fell to Kameron Collins of Huntingdon (Ala.) in a 10-3 decision, before picking up a 59 second fall over Adam Swanton of Alabama. Shaw ended the day in a 52-second fall to Israel Tshiunza from Thomas More (Ky.).

Tevin Person started the day in the heavyweight division with a 6:25 fall from Byron Pierce of Midway. Person picked up an 11-8 and a 7-4 sudden victory win in the next two matches. In the last match of the day, Person took a 1:35 fall to Jeff Bowles of West Virginia Tech, after picking up a forfeit win.

Gabe Evans, Bradley Owens, and Pagola also competed but did not gather any points.

BPC Men’s Wrestling will take a small break before heading to Lakeland, Fla., to compete in the Appalachian Athletic Conference Championship on Saturday, February 17.

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