Pineland to Sponsor Two Students for 2024 FRS Youth Tour

Since 1995, FRS [Foundation for Rural Service] has hosted the Youth Tour to thousands of high school students from across rural America to visit our nation’s capital, see our government in action, and learn about rural telecommunications. The tour provides a forum for teens to meet and interact with their peers from other rural communities, as well as key legislative, regulatory, and government figures.
Pineland Telephone Cooperative, Inc., will once again be sponsoring two students from its service area for this once-in-alifetime opportunity. High school students attending school in the Pineland Telephone service area are eligible to apply. Students residing in a home with Pineland service will receive bonus points during the scoring process. Each student applicant will be expected to demonstrate leadership in organizations and community through volunteer activities; write an essay on the topic of Economic Development in Rural America – How Broadband Affects Daily Life in MY Rural America; and obtain a letter of recommendation from his/ her high school counselor. Students must be 15, 16, or 17 years old at the time of the trip.
The 2024 Youth Tour is scheduled for Monday, June 3 – Friday, June 7. During the tour, students will tour Washington, D.C., and the surrounding area, including a trip to Mount Vernon, Home of George Washington; visit the Smithsonian Museums; tour multiple Memorials; attend a play at Kennedy Center; meet with Federal Communications Commission and Congressional staff; and build relationships with their peers.
The application deadline for the Youth Tour is Monday, April 1, 2024. For more information on the FRS Youth Tour, please contact Amy Harrison at (912) 685-2121, (800) 247-1266, or via email at info@ The application form can be found on the Pineland website – www.pineland. net under the News and FRS Youth Tour tab.