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A compilation of quotations on a variety of issues by national, state and regional writers, well-known personalities, just plain everyday people and from various publications collected by the editors of THE ADVANCE.

Quotes for our Times:

Matt Vespa, Senior Editor at Townhall. com: And the fastest-growing migrant group at the southern border Is…

Nationalities of all sorts are using the porous conditions to make a run for it; some are even on our terror watch lists. Biden remains asleep at the switch. There is a cost to this reckless behavior by Democrats regarding border security. One is the strain it has placed on our resources. Denver’s hospital system is on the verge of collapse. New York City doled out $53 million in pre-paid credit cards to illegals, which comes after Mayor Eric Adams said this illegal alien invasion could destroy the city.

While Democrats cannot help themselves by turning this into a race and diversity issue, it’s not. That was never the issue. The point is that opening the floodgates to anyone where cities, states, and municipalities are incapable of shouldering the burden creates havoc for everyone. This situation is a mess. It’s been a mess ever since Joe was inaugurated.

Byron York, chief political correspondent for The Washington Examiner: Biden, the Senate, and the border fiasco.

'I'll be taking this issue to the country,' Biden said. 'Every day between now and November the American people are going to know that the only reason the border is not secure is Donald Trump and his MAGA Republican friends.' It was a stunningly dishonest statement. Every American who has been awake for the last three years knows that the current border crisis began the day Biden took office and is directly attributable to the changes he made in U.S. immigration and border policy. But Biden's threat provided a sobering picture of what is in store for the rest of 2024.

Paul Mauro, a contributor for FOX News Media providing legal and criminal justice analysis: Migrants' attack on NYPD a glimpse of America's future under Biden, other softon- crime Dems.

In other words, Joe Biden, at his 'discretion,' could simply order these defendants tossed.

So why do we know he won’t? Even if he wants to?

… Because Venezuela won’t take them back. And we don’t have the leverage or diplomatic relations to force them to.

No, these defendants – and alas, probably many more like them who’ve been emptied out of prisons in Venezuela and elsewhere – are here on a one-way ticket.

Meaning that even if any or all of the above leaders were to somehow see the light and alter course, it’s too late to undo the damage. The extent of which won’t be known for years to come.

Jimmy Failla, host of FOX News Saturday Night, FOX News Radio program 'FOX Across America,' and author: Cancel culture broke America’s moral compass. Here's how we find our way back to sanity.

When I was a kid, my white parents yelled at me for eating too much ice cream. Today my Ben & Jerry’s ice cream yells at me for having WHITE PARENTS. I promise it was never supposed to work this way.

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